IPCC Geschichte, demnächst auch in Deutsch.



I would like to start by narrating a short historical background of how African Pentecostal Charismatic Churches began in Hamburg and its subsequent spread in the whole Federal Republic of Germany.
This is very essential because rationalistic Scholars have contributed to the fact that:
"Without the Knowledge of the past, we will not know our present. If we do not know and understand our present, we would not be challenged to have proper planning for the future."
Hebrews 13:8 confirms this Pearl of Wisdom with the TRUTH, it says:
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."
Jesus Christ the past, the present and the future, eternal, everlasting.
It is good to know the past. It is better to understand the present. It is best to hope for the future/tomorrow.
For sure because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow.
Yes, we do not live in the past and we cannot live in the past, FOR YESTERDAY IS GONE INTO ETERNITY, but at least we can reflect on the past to know where we are coming from, to see where we are now and probably to have a new sense of direction as to where we are going from here. Which way forward? Only we dot need to hang or live on our past successes and failures. We need to think ahead and move forward.
History is a very important element for every development.
History becomes a Well or a Pool of Stories of Success and Failures.
It becomes a practical University of Experiences, sweet and bitter ones.
One needs to have a Story that will one day become a Hi-Story, which with the years will be affirmed as HIS STORY - HISTORY.
With us Christians, with Pioneer Spirit, God Himself makes a STORY in our lives, which becomes His Story to bring Him Honour and Glory.
The conclusion of the matter is: Without a HISTORY, there is no HONOUR and without a STORY, there is no GLORY.
The Stories make the Stars and the Stars make the Stories.

This is how it all began

When my feet first stepped on the soil of this wonderful nation of Germany, in the City of Hamburg in the latter 70s, my heart became heavy with a SPIRITUAL BURDEN right from the Airport.
I sincerely did not know and did not understand why, till l got into the house where l stayed with people l had never seen before and had never met in my life.
Indeed to my bewilderment before they even asked me to know about my mission five of them in the room busted into great laughter for a while.
As my usual Practice is, l was dressed in Ministers Clerical, so later on one of them teasingly asked me, so Pastor tell us, are you on a visit, passing through or have you also come to hustle with us?
You know, here in Germany, there is nothing like the Churches we know back home in Africa.
Some of the Germans even say that, there is no God.
He told me that, the Germans argue that, if there is God, where was He, when Bombs came down like rain and killed those who even went and hid themselves in a Church building here in Hamburg to take refuge during the world war two.
He determinedly said to me that, Pastor, if you like, l can go and show you the ruined Church building now.
He lengthened his cautions subconsciously with some fatigues of concern and mixed feelings.
He concluded by saying Oh yes! l know that, for you as a Pastor, England or USA would have been better for you. You know, Germany is for us, the hustlers.
When he finished with his address, l thanked him and politely replied him as follows:
· I told him that, l have not come to hustle, but to help the hustlers to be settled but l need to be well settled first so that l can help others to be settled.
· I told him also that l have come as God's Ambassador to let the Germans know Christ and make Him better known to others by reactivating their faith in God.
· I told him again that, l have come to let the Africans here to be united for our common identity and to maintain our Faith in Christ and with proven Characters be His witnesses to this Nation.
· I made him to understand that, the going through will not be easy, but with God on our side, we shall get there.


In 1981 the Lord gave me a clear Vision to start and organize in the Free and Hanseatic City State of Hamburg the first ever International Non-Denominational Church, INDC.
In short the Africans in Hamburg and Germany were a flock without a Shepherd.
The first Church Service of INDC was held on Sunday the 27.September 1981. The attendance was 27. The service took place in St. George Tower Chapel at 1.00 pm. around the Main Train station in Hamburg. (Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof)
This was Ecumenical in Nature, Evangelical in Presentation and Pentecostal-Charismatic in Spirituality and Christian Identity.
This was the era where the German Churches and their Christian Councils in Hamburg, and the whole Federal Republic of Germany, had failed even to see and notice that there were Africans here and some of them were Christians whose Faith and Believe needed to be preserved, protected, promoted and strengthened. This truly reminded me that Missions starts from where our door posts end that is our Jerusalem, according to the original Mission Concept and Principles of Jesus in Acts1:8.
My Spiritual Burden grew bigger, as some African Christians were reporting to me and others were complaining bitterly, for example:
· That, when they go to German Churches on Sundays they did not understand anything because of the language barrier.
· That, no German wanted to sit near to them and after the Service no one dared to talk to them; not even the German Pastors.
· That they were culturally shocked to see that some of the German Pastors both men and women immediately after the Church Services lighted their Cigarettes and Pipes to smoke and to drink Beer and other alcoholic drinks.
This spiritual agony for the sense of belonging of the African Christians, for mutual Relationship through Fellowship was the paramount interest and the motivating factor for my Holy Spirit inspired initiatives for my missionary work with socio-political consciousness.
The spiritual nourishment and vitality to feed the Africans on God's eternal Word became the driving force with divine promptings for me to start the gathering of God's people together with clear motive and clean conscience.
Due to poor heating system in the old Church building we were forced to move to the very Parish of the Lutheran Cross Church (Kreuzkirchen Gemeinde in Hamburg-Kirchdorf) where l worked as the Youth Director.
In summer 1982 the number of attendance grew up to 120. Many of the attendants came from the City so due to the distance we had a dialogue with the then Ecumenical officer of the Christian Council in Hamburg and the Pastors of the Hammer Kirche in Hamburg-Hamm for us to move to the Central Hamburg again.
This arrangement became positive so in late summer 1982 we moved in the Evangelical Trinity Church (Ev. Dreifaltigkeits Kirchen Gemeinde). When we celebrated our first year anniversary in September 1982 we were over 150.
This was not by human enterprise but a Divine prime Assignment in Hamburg and Germany as a whole; it was to justify the norm that: NATURE ABHORS VACUUM OR NATURE HATES VACUUM.
This became inevitable according to God's Divine Plan and Purpose for the precious lives of the African Christians who He has sent here as His Ambassadors and Missionaries to affect His Salvation Plan for Germany in particular and Europe in a collective context.
The next Church which started almost 2 years after us was the then Mundsburg, Christian Church Elim the African wing, which later became CCOM in Hamburg-Bergedorf. Others who found themselves together later were the Ghana Catholic Society, The Ghana SDA Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Ghana SDA Pentecostals.
In the first 3 years, there was absolute harmony, love and togetherness, call it UNITY, within and amongst the then existing Churches and the Ministers.
We were even able to organize Joint-, or United Church Services once a Month in a rotating form despite our different backgrounds.
We were able to develop a common Format as the Order of Worship which was suitable for this United Church Services, respecting our Unity in Diversity.
In addition to this we initiated Social activities and Sports. We organized Inter-Church Football Gala with Trophies, Awards and consolation Prices.
Whiles l was initiating all these things, l was still employed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church Parish Kreuz Kirche in Hamburg.
I sought and had the audience of the then Lutherans Bishop for Hamburg, Dr. Otto Wölber who after making him to know and understand the acute spiritual vacuum; appealed to him to release me from the Youth work l was doing in the Evangelical Lutheran Church Parish in Hamburg, for me to become a Fulltime Pastor for the thousands of Africans in Hamburg.
This was very important to enable me to concentrate fully on the high demand for a Counsellor for the many thousands of Africans with no Official Shepherd.
All that l needed was economic stability and not a spiritual Direction or Dictatorship; for the Vision of God to me was very clear and very explicit in its contextual and conceptual darling achievement.
The Bishop comprehended the challenge and referred the matter to the Missions Department of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hamburg-Orthmarschen as well as the Old Church District in Hamburg, (Alt Kirchenkreis Hamburg) and the Christian Council in Hamburg (ACKH).
When these three Institutions invited me on separate occasions, l implored them to hear my spiritual Burden, the Cry of my Heart, for the Souls of the African Christians in Hamburg.
My Challenges and the uncompromising Appeals l laid bare with spiritual constrains made them to discover that with all their many missionary and ecumenical methods and activities there were still some lapses, so far as the African Christians in Hamburg were concerned.
These three Church Institutions saw the spiritual need and challenge but then strategically brought in economic or financial issues and excuses with the question, who will finance the new office?

Prof. Hollenweger

These three Institutions invited Prof. Hollenweger the Initiator of the Black and White Theological Forum in Birmingham, England in 1983/84 to advice them on what to do with this growing need.
In addressing this dying need, Prof. Hollenweger, related his experiences with the Black Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in England and at the rate they were growing and spreading enormously.
He cautioned vehemently that, the Lutheran Church must support the then existing Initiative to consolidate the beat of the hearts and the Spiritual Burden for Full- time Pastor or may be Pastors for the over 10.000 Africans in Hamburg.
He said, the absence of proper co-ordination with competence and spiritual authority for the situation at stake, in the next 10 years, African Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches will be spreading in Hamburg/Germany like Mushrooms.
What the experienced Professor meant was the spreading of African Pentecostalism and Charismatic Churches without ROOTS and QUALITY TRAINING TO EQUATE QUQLITY LEADERSHIP, in Germany.
In other sense, he wanted the Church in Germany to find precautions to prevent and protect a Divine course, to be a part of a solution and not a part of a problem which was likely to be created as a result of their failure to follow suite the advice.
Today, after almost 20 years of the Prophecy of Prof. Hollenweger, since the three Church Institutions failed to comply with the Original Divine Concept of God there is a great spread of the New Mushroom Churches of the African Pentecostal Charismatic Churches here in Germany. These are Churches without roots, No quality Training and no Quality Leadership.

New Mushroom Churches

I want to be very explicit and emphatic here that, we the International Migrant Pentecostal Charismatic Christians in Germany do not really need new mushroom Churches here in Hamburg with no quality trained Leadership. We also do not need new Christian Councils with new names. The spiritual fact here is that, every new Church and new Council is just a duplicate, a carbon copy of an already existing one. I am very sure that, true Christianity does not need any by-product.
Many of us have not understood their Calling and therefore are just copying others.
What we need is to help the already existing ones to receive proper Leadership Training, proper Structures, proper Ministerial or Pastoral ethics and healthy Relationships to rightly educate our members to properly get rooted and grounded in the faith and well equipped.
All over the world it is well known, believed and said that, German made products, brands and fabrics are of high prospects and desirable QUALITY.
I am very sure to say that, the ONLY German made product, which has no such unique QUALITY are the African German Made Pastors.
Every new Church and new Council is just additional problem and an increase of hatred to our spiritual jeopardy caused by the evil spirit of splitting Churches violently leaving deep wounds in many unhealed broken Relationships. The rampant splitting through irrelevant fighting over the so called "Church Money" was and still is the cancer of evil tormenting our Unity and Stability.
What we need is a machinery to be able to ensure that Spiritual Sanity, Spiritual Scrutiny with Spiritual Maturity to sharpen and to transform our Pentecostal Charismatic Churches to be the Church that Christ is building on the Rock here in Hamburg, Germany and Europe as a whole.
The spiritual direction for the gathering of the African Saints in Hamburg together and even the initial name we were led to choose tells that we were inter-African Christians without any usual name of a particular denomination. Many of us were also Asylum seekers and few Students.


Around 1983 and 1984 when the German Government started to reject and molest many of the Asylum seekers many of them migrated from Germany to Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Great Britain and Canada.
This exodus reduced the number of the attendants drastically. Also around 1984 and 1985 more Churches sprang up from the then existing few Churches. Those who found themselves to be members of their mother Churches back home in Africa then decided to have branches of these mother Churches here in Hamburg, Germany.
There were also some "One man Churches" and the "my wife and I Ministries" for some Leaders it became a means of survival so it created a lot of negative competitions which led to very bitter and dirty Church politics.
The German Lutheran Church which initially had no concept for the African Christians then capitalised on this our spiritual dilemma that weakened our Unity and togetherness. They developed a strategy and twisted the Divine Agenda to look as if they have devised a new concept for the African Christians in Hamburg. They also manipulated upon our intelligence, confused and used the disorderliness amongst the African Christians as a state of emergency and smuggled a Pastor from Tansania to serve their one way Partner traditional Mission work interest.
Honestly speaking they had no interest and no working concept for the spiritual Welfare of the thousand of the souls of the Africans in Hamburg where the majority of African population in Germany till today are living. They started experimenting as a project without God's given vision and spiritual direction at the cost of the precious lives of the Africans. More about this in my manuscript - (The Rise and Spread of African Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement in Germany; the Advantages & Disadvantages)
The poor developments both on the side of the African led Churches and the German Evangelical Lutherans with their Ecumenical Alliance and the dirty Church politics practiced had very little to do with what God intended to do with His Original Agenda with the African Churches, the God's given vision for their Mission here in Hamburg, Germany and Europe.
In fact many were playing games with the Church. I also discerned that on the part of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church with their Ecumenical Alliance the spirit of Religion was strongly opposing the Spirit of Christ, a spiritual battle that those who walked by sight could not see.
The African Mainstream Churches e.g. the Presbyterian and the Methodist members in the past 15 years ago started coming out of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches and especially from the One-man led Churches as well as the my wife and l Ministries to constitute branches of their mother Churches here. The impressions created initially were that they were not comfortable with these Mushroom Churches without roots and proper structures and methods.
Their coming into being has not brought any visible change to the quality Christian life style in Hamburg and in the Republic. Among them also, despite the fact that they send trained Revd. Ministers and Bishops periodically to oversee their Churches the evil cancer of the in-fighting, disputes over "Church Money" and in some cases splitting are on the increase. Numerically they are spreading in the other German cities.
Upon my return from America the same year 1985 as a result of all these unpleasant atmosphere of blackmailing, antagonising, assassinating of character, blacklisting and labelling to tarnish my image because of God's Spirit and God's Vision in and upon my life, I understood in my spirit that I was a target for the enemy.
As I sought for spiritual counselling again l had a spiritual intuition to make a radical and evolutionally decision which in some way seemed very unpopular to many people, but l still heard God saying yes to me in that difficult situation. To hear God's Voice alone was enough for me. The Act was that l spoke with the rest of the Saints who were still standing with me to find suitable and sound Churches to go and share fellowship as I was suspending all my Christian activities indefinitely.
I suffered bitter human and institutional rejection from the German Lutheran Church in Hamburg and many of the African led Churches and their Leaders; Like Joseph and his half Brothers. The Holy Spirit of the Lord Divine made me to understand that l am carrying God's Given Vision for Hamburg, Germany and Europe and would not have it easy but l should not be afraid for He shall certainly be with me in all my physical and spiritual predicaments.
I therefore remained cool, calm and collective because l later understood that l suffered that human and Institutional rejection because l was not competent or qualified. The Truth came out later that they did what they did against me because l was originally not a Lutheran Pastor but Pentecostal-Charismatic full of the Holy Spirit, well equipped with Sound Doctrine and that they could not make a new Lutheran out of me to serve their Church and traditional Mission's interest.
My decision was not an act of resignation or relinquishing. It was not an act of giving up upon my faith. It was not a matter of fearing competition, opposition or adversity. It was not a case of running away from the battlefield or abandoning my Holy and Heavenly Calling; No, No. The only truth is that I prayed and said to the Lord that if these poor developments both on the side of the African led Churches and the German Evangelical Lutheran Church with their Ecumenical Alliance who were playing games with the Church through the dirty Church politics practiced, were all that Christianity was about then without me.
Like the Prophet Jeremiah l also said radically to the Lord that if for sure that was all that Christianity was about then I will never make mention of His Name and will not preach and teach again here in Hamburg and Germany because I was not ready to be a part of the problem. Spiritually I was deeply convinced that any attempt to have continued with my active Christian services would have been with painful compromises, total hypocrisy and serving under religious Bondage
As l prayed about all these miss-happenings l understood in spirit that God says His Spirit will no longer struggle with man. In my deep spiritual meditation in 1985, as l turned to find comfort and counsel in the eternal living Word of God, l heard an audible Voice and the Holy Spirit of Most High opened my spiritual understanding not to make the poor situation subjective for He was in control and it will come to pass in accordance with Psalm 118:22-23 thus "The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing; It is marvellous in our eyes".

7 years silent period

My absence from the active Christian Ministerial Arena took 7 good years from 1985 - 1992. It was a very hard course. Honestly speaking, to live in the midst of chaos and to see and hear people messing up with God's messages and walking and working through ignorance and carrying tons of Experiments to stamp down and out the power of Competence and Experience is a great pain. Praised the Lord that l later understood it better by and by that it was a great gain.
I thank the Almighty God that He gave me the courage to make that step of Boldness to come out from among them according to 2 Corinthians 6:17 which says "Therefore come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you".
No wonder that the Prophet Jeremiah said in Chapter 20:9 thus "Then I said, I will not make mention of Him. Nor speak anymore in His name. But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back; And l could not".
These 7 years were years of spiritual agony. They were years of active waiting but not wasted. The All knowing God was still behind the scene working out His plan and purpose for my life to catch His spiritual momentum. During this time I was fully engaged in Import and Export Business travelling far and wide and also running my own Taxi Business with success.
To bring me back into the active Christian Ministry again the Lord designed a miraculous stomach Tumour to give me a living Testimony and a True Story which is my own true Story; God's own Hi-Story and History in my life.
On my hospital sickbed in Hamburg in 1991 where l spent 90 Days (Agyei-Mensah 90 Days) and was operated upon 3 times in my Stomach, l had a heavenly Vision and l was in a dialogue with the Archangel Michael who told me clearly that "You have not finished your work go back". Still in the Vision the Archangel accompanied me from heaven down to the earth; whiles we were about to touch the earth the Graves were opened to receive me. I understood that, the opening of the Graves meant my death but the Archangel shouted to the Grave thus "He is not for the dead, he is for the Living" in that moment the Grave closed up and l came to myself.
After my rehabilitation process the Lord has fully restored my health and totally transformed my life. In summer 1992 He brought me back into His active Christian Arena again with new, fresh and the Original Anointing. The Lord through His Holy Spirit has since given me a new sense of spiritual Direction. He has opened my eyes of Faith to have deep insight into His living Word. Every word He drops into my heart gives me a new meaning and a new understanding. I have fully understood Psalm 118:17 that, "I SHALL NOT DIE BUT LIVE AND DECLARE THE WORKS OF GOD".
Since l resumed, the Lord has truly confirmed and performed His word in me and through me. Whiles l was still on my sickbed at the hospital after the heavenly Vision, the Spirit of the Lord Divine gave me a spiritual Assignment to initiate "The General Council of Ghanaian Churches in Hamburg for Germany". This Council was officially formed in 1992. Also few believers who were still around me all these 7 years came together and we constituted ourselves and formed "The International Evangelical Church" - IEC. We got it officially registered with the Hamburg Registration Court also in 1992.
In 1993 just one year after the Lord restored me the word of God came true and l was comforted with Psalm 118:22-23 thus "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing; It is marvellous in our eyes". The joy of the Lord which became my strength was that, the All Powerful God elevated me and gave me a Title of Honour to the High Office of a Bishop. This was on the occasion of my 20th Graduation and Ordination Jubilee. I learnt a spiritual lesson here that, what the world rejects, the Lord receives and recognises and uses to His Glory.
The Lord Himself transformed me and has empowered me to be the First canonical, constitutional and gazetted Pentecostal-Charismatic Bishop of Germany. The International Ministerial Council of Great Britain - IMCGB is the Ecumenical Institution that consecrated me to my Bishopric and it was officiated by His Grace, Archbishop David Douglas who was the International Moderator.
l became obedient, remained quiet throughout the 7 years and allowed the Lord of Host to fight His own battle. The truth is that no one has ever fought against the Lord and won. Yes, Jesus is the winner man. Indeed the word of God abides for ever and changes not. In Romans 8: 28, the Bible says," All things work together for good to those who love the Lord, those who are called according to His purpose".
It also came true just as Joseph told his Brothers, "But now do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life"


The positive developments in our Church since the 21st of May 1998 which did usher us in a new era with special and fresh Anointing of the Holy Spirit with God's Spiritual Timing made the changing of the name of the Church to fit into the plans and purposes of God for His Universal Body for the year 2000 and beyond.
We wrote to announce that time as follows: "It is our delight in the Lord to announce to you officially that, since the 30th of November 1998 the name of our Church is changed from International Evangelical Church - IEC, International Pentecostal-Christian Church - IPCC. This Divine Revelation has undergone all the registration requirements and the proper scrutiny of regulations or rules of the Hamburg Registration Court. This was a total group transformation.
Through the annals of God dealings with Mankind, records of biblical experiences teach that three spiritual significances did happen when God called certain people to establish His Covenants with them. 1. He changed their names 2. He changed their places of origin (separated them from their families) 3. He changed their directions, goals, concepts, He even transformed and expanded the scope of their visions and sometimes radically relocated them. He reconstructed and reshuffled their endeavours to suit His perfect will, plans and purposes to bring glory and honour to His powerful Name.
There is a spiritual break-through which is really shaking the kingdom o the enemy, no matter how hard he is fighting back. With the new name, the Lord has given us a new spiritual enablement, new identity and the sure sense of belonging as Pentecostal-Charismatics with sound Evangelical presentation in Preaching and Teaching the Word of God with practical deeds. Our International contacts are also getting more intensity to the glory of God. The Lord is expanding our ministerial tentacles.
It all happened on the 4th October 1998 as l was returning from IMCGB Bishops Forum in London with BA 964 from Heathrow to Hamburg flying over 37.000m above sea level between the atmospheric and the starry skies during when l was meditating on the glory of God's handy work seen in the natural beautiful colours up there.
In this harmonious state in my meditation l entered into spiritual dialogue with the Holy Spirit and l saw clearly in the clouds an inscription thus "And the name of the Church shall be called "International Pentecostal-Charismatic Christian Church". I was also made to understand that the new name had a Trilogy package for the new spiritual Dimension as an expansion of the original God's Given Vision for Hamburg, Germany, Europe and the Universal Body of Christ.

The Trilogy is:

· "International Pentecostal-Charismatic Christian Church - (IPCC-Church)"
· "International Pentecostal-Charismatic Christian Centre - (IPCC-Centre")
· "International Pentecostal-Charismatic Christian College - (IPCC-College")

When this spiritual dialogue was over l thanked the Ancient of Days for His awesomeness. The Holy Spirit of the Lord revealed and gave me a heavenly wisdom. Whiles we were still tenants by the Evangelical-Reformed Church in Hamburg it was obvious that even the change of our name would not be quiet pleasant to them. I was therefore instructed to leave out for sometime the word "Charismatic" to let it be "International Pentecostal Christian Church". The reason was that many German Christians were not conversant with the word "Charismatic" even till today many do not feel comfortable with the term "Pentecostals". When our name had the word "Evangelical" they could somehow identify themselves with us.
Due to some funny developments and clear scenarios, we saw that our relationship with them was distorted. Whiles l was away in Canada on a mission in December 2004, l got a message from my Personal Assistant that they have given us quit notice till the end of March 2005 to leave their premises because of one of my Lectures l gave at a Conference in Berlin about "Integration" where l was asked to speak on the topic "Discrimination in the German Churches". Honestly speaking the Lectures caught great Momentum and was very appealing. The organisers later put it in the Internet.
This created the opportunity for us to come out openly now as it was designed by God to meet His Divine appointment for the correct, perfect and proper use of the Trilogy and their spiritual connotations for the positive impacts and difference they are given to make in Christendom with the twin meaning "Pentecostal-Charismatic". This we did constitutionally in may 2005.
In the year 2000 we registered a Branch of the Church in Ghana, West Africa. We sent 5 Pastors to be trained at the Shiloh Bible Training Centre for Pastors.
In the year 2003 we started in Hamburg the IPCC Bible College, a Training Centre for Pastors and Church Leaders, our Bible College is in working relationship with BTCP- Bible Training Centre for Pastors in Georgia, Atlanta - USA. Our excellent Study Manuals are designed by Dr. D. J. Mock.
At the moment IPCC is operating with two branches in Hamburg and one Branch in Munich. 1. The International Headquarters which is known as the Central Church with German-English speaking Assembly and Twi-English speaking Assembly. 2. Hamburg-Bilstedt English speaking Assembly. 3. Munich English speaking Assembly.
IPCC is internationally connected with the International Communion of Charismatic Churches - ICCC with the Headquarters in Georgia, Atlanta - USA.
IPCC is also the Mother Church of "The International Ministerial Council of Europe - IMCOE" and has of late hosted the two Empowerment Conferences.
IPCC Leadership has also functioning roll in the Council of Christian Churches with African Approach in Europe (CCCAAE) with the Head Office in Berlin. Again IPCC Leadership shares fellowship and is a member of South Hope in a Europe without Barriers (SHEBA) with the head Office in Utrecht / Netherlands
In September 2006 we celebrated our Silver Jubilee, "25 Years" and were blessed to have Bishop Dr. S.E. and Revd. Dr. M.J. Arnold Church of God, Administrative Bishop for New Jersey, USA. The Couple were Missionaries in Ghana from 1967 to 1974. They founded the Ghana Bible Institute (GBI) of the Church of God in Ghana. They were the Renowned Lecturers of His Royal Eminence, Bishop Oheneba R. Agyei-Mensah.

For more information see our website for IPCC Church Networking & Photos.

"The General Council of Ghanaian Churches in Hamburg for Germany" was also vehemently opposed humanly and religiously. In as much as this Council was so strongly opposed, the Lord was preparing a new way for a far greater and bigger Organisation for His Kingdom Business for Germany and Europe: the International Ministerial Council of Germany -IMCOG which was established in 1994.
It is very interesting to note the powerful spiritual developments in the Church IPCC and in the Council IMCOE
In the year 2006 we saw the need to link IMCOG to the rest of Europe so we amended the constitution to accommodate the other European countries for Ministerial networking with the caption "IMCOG goes Europe". According to the new Registration, the Council is now known and called "The International Ministerial Council of Europe - IMCOE. It is a Uniting Body for Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches in Europe with the Headquarters in Hamburg, Germany.
We invite all Ministers to our yearly "IMCOE Empowerment Conferences" Check the dates at our site for Events.

Responsible for the authenticity of this History is His Royal Eminence, The Rt. Revd. Oheneba R. Agyei-Mensah: The Presiding Bishop.